Monday, May 10, 2010

You are You Don't Ever Change Your Style

"Hello world. This is me.
Life shoud be... Fun for everyone.
Life is easy when you wear a smile.
You are YOU don't ever change your style.
You are You.
I am Me."

So some of you mom's out there may recognize this as the theme song for Saddle Club... that show happens to be a favorite in our house. Ella was walking around singing that song this morning before school, and as I started to sing with her, I really started to listen to the words.

We talked about the meaning behind the words. How she is special... she is unique and wonderfully made. That life is what you make it! You can walk through this world angry or you can wear a smile. The most important part... being your authentic self. Don't let anyone tell you who you should be. Don't change your style... celebrate it!

Lesson for Ella turned into Lesson for Mom this morning. What a nice belated Mothers Day gift.

Love, the Oldest

1 comment:

MS/AC Fan said...

Good words of wisdom, Oldest :)
But I think I've been a little too myself lately-more angry-less smiley. I'm hoping to change that tomorrow, it will help a lot when Mike gets back from his trip. You know me, I don't do 'my husband traveling' very well!
Hope you are well dear friend. I love seeing your cute little smiling face on the side of the screen & adorable pic of the kids. Miss you.