So…after our last blog about Dad going in to fix his broken heart, the inevitable STRESS ensued. After or during any major Family or Personal issue, Stress is typically a main character in the play. I don’t know about you but Emotional stress has always been much more draining on me than Physical stress. You are tired all the time, not eating right, your relationships are strained, maybe difficulties in maintaining your job responsibilities and the rest of your life that just simply seems to stop or become not so important while you lean over and kiss your Dad goodbye as they wheel him down to surgery.
Isn’t that amazing? The oh-so-important issues of life just simply fade into the background when you or someone you love is in personal crisis. The bills that need to be paid and the lunch date or commitment you signed up for, (the Blog you were so excited to write!!) suddenly lose their place in your daily thought process.
During the 5 hour surgery they are replaced by memories of a strong, laughing, running Father who coached Little League and played Hide and Seek at night outside with us. A man who never said a harsh word to me in the 32 years I have known him… who is the kindest, sweetest man I’ve ever had the privilege of knowing.
The next few days, filling prescriptions and glaring at nurses who aren’t as nice as you think they should be followed by washing this 6’4” man’s face and helping him in and out of bed while trying to maintain the dignity and self care for him none of us ever want to face losing.
As the days turn into weeks, the threat of immediate danger lessens and the call of responsibility and the reality of life come back into the forefront. Now the bills, the forgotten commitments, lunch dates and Blog demand attention. So, the stress of your crises now on top of daily life can be somewhat overwhelming at times.
What do you do? How do you handle the stress of life with Style and Grace? How do you go back to work when all you want to do is crawl up in your Dad’s lap and hear him say, “It’s gonna be ok.”
1. You acknowledge that there are no rules for going through this
2. You feel it! If you need to cry, scream, laugh all in a days time…do it!
3. Draw close to people you love
4. Prioritize and Organize your life…One task, One hour, One day at a time
5. Rest
6. Pray
7. Repeat
Exhausted and Resting in God’s Hands,
What do you do? How do you handle the stress of life with Style and Grace? How do you go back to work when all you want to do is crawl up in your Dad’s lap and hear him say, “It’s gonna be ok.”
1. You acknowledge that there are no rules for going through this
2. You feel it! If you need to cry, scream, laugh all in a days time…do it!
3. Draw close to people you love
4. Prioritize and Organize your life…One task, One hour, One day at a time
5. Rest
6. Pray
7. Repeat
Exhausted and Resting in God’s Hands,
the Middlest
Beautifully written! And the way you describe your father makes me jealous! I can fill your love for him. Know that you have lots of friends who can wait for you to return to the "real" world, if there is such a thing, and are here for you in the interim!
BTW, that was suppose to say feel, not fill! Love ya!
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