So...Have you ever found yourself in a place where it is made quite obvious that you are not all that and a bag of chips? That your sassy, smoothness and your delightful diva-like ways are only as serious as the pants that you put on just like everybody else???
Just when you think you have walk out of the bathroom with toilet paper stuck to your shoe or introduce yourself to a new client later realizing there is cilantro in your teeth. We all have them...those moments you just can't take back.
To add some background to this story...My hair has been getting on my last nerve lately. It is flat, lacks shine, color...I have felt like it has been a disaster!!! Jump to 2 nights ago..I am in the bathroom with my beloved niece. I lean over beside her and she says, "T! Your hair smells good...Like Rocco!" Well, for those of you that don't know, Rocco is my sister's dog. I said, "What!?!?" With shock and horror, came to realize that the doggie shampoo bottle looks quite a bit like people shampoo and when placed RIGHT BESIDE people shampoo is quite easily mistaken.
Yes world...I have been using Doggie shampoo. I am comfortable enough in my imperfections to own it!! :) Think how good my hair is gonna look when I go back to the real deal!
Love, Middlest

LOL...I think we've all had our moments, that one though is pretty funny!
OMG, that is hilarious...thank you for that laugh and sorry it is at your expense but that is priceless.
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