Friday, April 16, 2010

How Does a Woman of Style...

Not become stagnant in life?

I’m bored…I’m in a rut…I’m stuck…I need something to look forward to. You been there? I know I have. You drive the same way to work, you eat the same lunch, you do the same workout, you talk about the same things, you battle with the same issues….So, how do we break free of that ho-hum cycle that we seem to slip into!! Life is full of surprises yet we so easily slip into the mundane day to day issues. We lose our zest, the jump in our step, and the joy behind our smiles.


1. not flowing or running, as water, air, etc.

2. stale or foul from standing, as a pool of water.

3. characterized by lack of development, advancement, or progressive movement

4. Inactive, sluggish, or dull.

EWWW!!! My soul rises up at every one of those words!! That is exactly the kind of life I do not want!! Have I been there? Sure…Will I ever go back? Maybe, but I do not have to stay there! Neither do you. We have defined it here…now you know exactly what it looks like. It’s time to get real. Does your life resemble a rollercoaster of new experiences, great fun, friends, interests and passion???? OR…does it compare more so to a dark, dank, musty puddle of familiarity?

Be honest with yourself. You get one shot at this! Why not cultivate all of the interests, talents and passion that is on the inside of you? Oh, I cannot possibly take the time away from my job, church, friends, husband, kids, parents, (your choice excuseJ); it just wouldn’t be fair to them!!” Let’s pause for a second. Close your eyes. Picture yourself. Picture the absolute best version of you. What does she look like? What is she wearing? How does she laugh? What does she talk about? How does she love people? How does she spend her life? What legacy is she leaving? You are not taking away from anyone…Cultivating these things within you is and will be a gift for all of those around you.

Look…you cannot change your entire life in a day, but there are small things you can do to LIVE every day. Don’t settle for merely existing!

Be present (stop and actually smell flowers, look how beautiful the sky is when you go outside, hold your man’s gaze a little too long, squeeze your kiddos extra tight…just because)

Invest in You (Feed your Spirit, Soul and Body with God, Love, Health and people that build you up. Likewise, remove life-draining things and people from your path…there just isn’t enough time in the day)

Dare to Still Have a Dream (take that class that you’ve been putting off, write a book, start a blogJ, start training for that marathon…ALWAYS have a dream)

Purpose to have Passion (If you don’t know…find out what you’re passionate about! Whether it’s finding or creating new recipes, being the best Employee, Wife or Mom you can be, becoming a Foster Parent or finding the cure to Cancer…do it with all your heart)

Feeling Inspired?? You can do this. I’ll be here…cheering you on.

Love, Middlest


Natasha in Oz said...

I am not sure about training for a marathon but I am so happy that I am blogging!

Thanks for the tips Middle sister!

Best wishes,

Auntie Cake said...

I have to laugh because everywhere I go, my sister has been there before me! And I love Natasha and her sisters too!

So honored to be on your blog roll! And best luck in getting out of that rut. I joined a couple different sports teams to get me out of my ruts. I mean, how out of the rut can I get by joining a football team??? I go from pink and heels during the day, to helmet and pads at night! And I can burn some calories in the process!

Have a wonderful weekend to all of you!

Auntie Cake said...

Didn't notice... both my sisters were here! I love a family of three girls!!!