Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Enrich Your Life with Purposed Relationships

How does a Woman of Style...Enrich her life through People?

What do you see when you look at others. Do you surround yourself with people who look just like you? Do they believe what you do? Do they have similar family experiences or did you all grow up on the same side of the tracks? How about your kids? Do they naturally gravitate to other kids with the same skin color? Do they know there is a whole world out there to explore and experience? Is it scary to think about bridging that gap? Do you think about making friends with someone across the socio-economic line? Cultural or denominational divide…Meeting someone in their world of a different experience.

You know it shouldn’t surprise us….I have 2 sisters and we all were raised in the same house. Yet, we all had very different experiences growing up. Same parents, same schools….very different identities and feelings that have shaped who we are. So why would we then be surprised that people of a different culture, background, country….don’t think just like us. Don’t feel things like I do…don’t value the same things…They’ve had a different experience. Not worse…not better…just Different.

Do you think she would love me more if she knew that I also have never fit in…Never fit the stereotypical image of “beauty” perpetuated by my culture? Or would I be less quick to judge him if I saw that he was simply trying to survive…that underneath his road rage hid years of abuse and abandonment. What if they could see that here we all want the same things they do there…Safety, Love, Purpose. Why is it so hard for us to understand that we are all in this thing together??

You are weak where I am strong; I have abundance in an area you may lack. I need you!! You enrich my life; you cause me to see that the world is bigger than my small, air conditioned box with no sharp corners or rough edges. You challenge me to be better, to grow and love people more deeply. Today’s Challenge: Purpose to connect with someone you normally wouldn’t talk to because of differences in age, culture…whatever. See what happens.

Love, Middlest

1 comment:

Libbie said...

We actually purposely always go to this one park where the crowd is diverse! We really want our kids to have a love for everyone! Annie has made a sweet little friend Jediah. It is good you talked about it as something a woman of style does! Love it~!