Monday, May 3, 2010


Alright, alright... Im going to really put myself out there ladies. I am going to do something I have never done before. You all as my witness I just have to come clean... Im chubby. Yep, there, I said it... its out there and now i have to deal with it! Summer is fast approaching... and its time to kick THIS fanny into high gear. See some great pointers that Dr Oz shared with those of us looking to get on track with diet.

Dr. Oz's 10 Commandments for Weight Loss

1) Thou shall not wear pants that stretch.
You will never know if you're gaining or not! Pull on a pair of snug jeans every now and again to keep your weight in check.

2) Thou shall not keep 'fat clothes' in your closet.
This will always give you an excuse to eat more because you know you have the back up, forgiving clothes in your closet. (Although, we think having a few items for those stubborn bloated days doesn't hurt. Maybe keep a couple items that aren't anything special so you don't feel inclined to rely on them).

3) Thou shall not eat meat that walks on four legs more than one time a week.
This will lessen your saturated fat intake. Not only beneficial to your waistline, but will decrease your risk of heart disease.

4) Thou shall not graze or browse in search of prey.

Plan your meals. Mindlessly grazing throughout the day will significantly increase your caloric intake without you noticing. Make sure your meals are sufficient enough to keep you full until the next one.

5) Thou shall not eat after 7:30pm.
You should stop eating completely at least 2 hours before you go to bed so your food can digest. Also, Dr. Oz explains the late night munchies usually mean bad food choices coupled with sitting in front of the TV.

6) Thou shall no pile food on a plate more than one inch high or two inches to the edge of the plate.
Keep those proportions under control!

7) Thou shall not chew less than 20 bites.

This will force you to slow down, allowing your mind to realize you have reached satiety faster than if you're piling food into your mouth.

8) Thou shall not covet thy neighbor's plate.
A couple bites are fine here and there. But if you make a habit of grazing off someone else's plate after you have finished your meal, it's just more unnecessary calories.

9) Thou shall not carry small bills.
Keeping change or small bills will encourage you to pick up that $1 chocolate bar or bag of chips, when you would be a lot less likely to break a 20 for them.

10) Thou shall not eat standing up or in a car.
This is one of the fastest ways to overeat. It also does not really feel like a meal, therefore, you may classify it as just a snack.

With love and added discipline,
the Oldest


lisaroy said...

Nowadays I think anything over a size 8 is considered chubby which of course I've never been that small so I guess I've been chubby all my life! What happened to those Marilyn days when curves were sexy? I'd better follow some of those commandments too...
Thanks for visiting my blog! : )

Libbie said...

You know...THE DOCTORS drive me nuts...but I heart Dr. Oz :) Now if only I kept the commandments :)